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The Small Things

by Harehills Primary School MindMate Ambassadors – 3rd Jun 2019

We are proud to be MindMate Ambassadors at Harehills Primary School and we recently performed an assembly with the aim of promoting an awareness of mental health.

Our assembly was entitled ‘The Small Things’ and was about the small things you can do each and every day to help support your own, and others, mental health.

We felt excited and nervous before the assembly – what if something goes wrong? What if we forget our lines? What if the slides don’t work? What if someone’s off school? Would Anas remember to move that water cooler? Would Hasnain knock the cups off the top of the water cooler? What if I perform my part too fast?

We supported and encouraged each other as a team and we gave each other advice; ‘Try not to worry as much’, ‘Take a chill pill!’, ‘Just remember that it’ll be worth it in the end!

We felt that our message was really important and that everyone really understood it. We wanted to ensure that people understood that the small things really can make a big difference.

So what were some of the small things we talked about?

  • Having a cup of tea and taking 5 minutes out of your day
  • Smiling at someone and saying ‘Hello’
  • Asking someone how they are and taking the time to listen
  • Always ask twice – ‘How are you really?’
  • Spending time with people

So in the end, it was worth the nerves and we were proud to be able to perform our assembly. We were super excited to have Charlotte (who is a MindMate Ambassador across the city of Leeds) to come and watch our assembly which really was the icing on the cake!

Find out more about the MindMate Champions programme supporting Leeds schools here

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  1. What a lovely blog! Thank you so very much for sharing your message and supporting us all at HPS.

  2. Wow,enjoyed doing this assembly so much. Hope the new mini mindmate ambassadors do all us former ones proud.

  3. This is Anas it been a very long time and I miss mindmate ambassadors so much I wish for us to get back sometime pls make my wish come I don’t know if you guys still read messages

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