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Stressed about exams?

by Sana – 14th Mar 2018

Exam time sometimes feels too much and I find myself getting stressed about…

  • Too many deadlines all at once
  • No time for revision
  • Haven’t done enough practice exam papers
  • Worried about failing the exams
  • Feeling like my to-do list for exam preparation is getting too long and unmanageable
  • Feeling like everyone around me is giving me advice on how to pass my exams

This is what I find helpful …


(Yes, I know we already do it lol). I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and exhale out. Research has shown that taking time to be mindful of our breathing and breathing in with our stomachs helps us to relax, as more oxygen reaches the brain. Around 5-10 minutes each day helps me improve my focus and helps me think clearly.

Taking breaks

I try to take time out even when it feels like there’s not enough time … having a break helps me revise more efficiently.

After the exam

I found I had lots of negative thoughts after sitting an exam which made me worry, but what’s the point of worrying about the exams when you’ve already done it? There’s nothing more you can do. But if you experience something personally that is beyond your control, it’s worth telling your teachers or lectures if you think it will affect your exams – they may be able to help you.

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  1. I found this really useful 🙂 my best tip is revising somewhere outside of my bedroom, so my bedroom is just for sleep… which really helps me to switch off

  2. i learnt that i should take some breaks between revision so i could have time for myself and to relax for a bit

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