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Return to Normality

by Sam – 11th May 2021

After over 1 whole year of this pandemic, it’s no wonder a return to normality creates anxiety for many young people. Bars and shops are open, households can mix, and hairdressers and gyms are open.

For some young people this may be a saving grace. Socialising with others, including friends and family, can be fantastic for improving mental and emotional wellbeing. People can reunite after such a long time apart. For example, my grandad who is in a wheelchair and lives alone, sees his carers everyday, but finally he can get out of the house and see my family outside and it means the world to him! Little things like that give me hope, and it is the same for many other families. This gives us a sense of hope that things are getting better, and will get better. Soon we could hug our loved ones from other households.

I personally love going to the gym, as this really improves my mental wellbeing. Exercise releases serotonin, and I find this time for myself feels great, I feel a sense of pride when I complete a workout. The gym’s reopening has allowed me to feel so much happier recently and many others may feel the same.

It is also expected and absolutely okay to feel nervous about the lockdown restrictions easing so quickly. Our brain has become very aware of our environments and we have constantly seen warnings about staying socially distanced and how awful the pandemic has been. So for many of us we have been in fight or flight mode, and it has been scary.

When the lockdown does ease, take things at your own pace, there is no rush to do what everyone is doing if you don’t feel comfortable. You may feel pressure to go to out and see mates, but be vocal on how you feel, take things as they come, and real friends will understand and support you within your decisions.

Read how Jodie is feeling post lockdown 

Image credits: EuroNews, Western Australian, The Times

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