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Make it work for me

by Ella – 8th Feb 2022

Through my volunteering with YouthWatch, I wrote a poem about the bad experiences I have had with doctors’ surgeries. I wrote it for the ‘Work with me communication training’ that will help over 300 health professionals learn to communicate with people with a disability.  I wrote the poem and then it was filmed at my house. This was an exciting experience. Watch it here.

I wanted health care professionals to stop and think about how they treat people with a disability and see if they could do any better. Yes there are some amazing people out there who read my health passport and take the time to learn about my Asperger’s, and my experience of their care is good, but there is not enough of these sorts of people .

Far too often I leave a health appointment stressed, confused or distraught, or I can’t access the services I need to, and this is simply not good enough. If this happens to me, how many others does it happen to? This has to change and I am hoping my poem is a step towards that.

The fight begins before I even open the door.

I scrape myself out of bed, every inch of me is sore.

I pick up the phone and I am met with a voice.

That doesn’t seem to care or leave me with choice.

The words she said are like a cryptic puzzle.

How to unlock is another struggle.

The day of the appointment is battle number two.

Where do I go ? Or when will they call?

My voice is rigid, it won’t come out.

The Doctor is waiting.

Come on Ella give us a shout.

I push out my words in a waffling way and leave with some answers.

Questions not said like jigsaw pieces scattered all over my mind.

Why could they not have slowed and given me more time?

I am no alien,

just a woman with a brain wired different.

So don’t freak out and not give me the right picture.

Things don’t have to be this hard

So stop leaving me scared.

Just read my hospital card.

Just let me access the services I need.

Please don't make me beg and go down on my knees.

I am no alien,

just a woman with a brain wired different.

Ella, 22, writes and performs poetry and advocates for people with Autism. She is also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a Youth Employment UK Ambassador and a YouthWatch Volunteer.

Twitter @EllaSanderson18

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