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Parenting during lockdown

by Rachael – 10th Jun 2020

Being a parent can be challenging enough at times even more so in the middle of the pandemic and as hectic as life is, it is important that we also take care of our own wellbeing as well as our child/ren.

Knowing that there was still access to support if I needed it was one of the main things for me and still is, especially in regards to my child needing support too at any point.

It’s hard becoming a parent and teacher overnight and it’s important to do things that lift our moods every so often. I personally have found balancing life quite difficult and finding things to have a break during lockdown has been the one thing keeping me going.

It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling and that you need help especially as a parent.

For me being able to reach out to my friends and let them know how I’m doing and see how they’re doing is stopping me from feeling isolated. The connection even though we can’t see friends or family at the moment is really important in keeping our mental health going.

I have personally been writing letters to my friends and they have been writing them back to me and my daughter, this is now a weekly routine for us and something we look forward to, FaceTime has been a massive life saver in being able to see friendly faces. The main thing we have stuck to even on the days I don’t want to face the world, is getting up and out for a walk even if it’s just for ten minutes, or doing ten minutes of yoga, it always manages to lift my mood somehow.

What has also really helped my mood during this time, is by doing colouring and painting with my daughter, anything creative has just made time pass a lot quicker.

We are all finding new ways to occupy ourselves currently and not all the same things work for everyone, it’s down to yourself to find what works for you, but I highly encourage you to get up and go outside even if it’s for a little while.

MindMate has resources for parents to help manage during lockdown, ideas on how to stay active, and top tips on ways to relax and become more mindful.

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