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MindMate Ambassadors meet the Mini MindMate ambassadors!

by MindMate Ambassador team – 18th Jul 2018

We recently had a special meeting with some mini MindMate Ambassadors from Harehills Primary School to find out what they do and share our knowledge! The ‘mini ambassadors’ are a group of Year 6 children who stand up for good mental health in their school. They told us that this involves listening to others, taking time to problem solve, and needing to be calm and helpful.

So, we asked them some questions and this is what they told us…

What do you think MindMate means?

“It’s your mind and it’s helping you to help your emotions like a friend”.

What do you like about being a MindMate Ambassador?

“To make other people happy

“Helping people and making sure they are okay and happy

“Meeting new people when going to different events’ 

Why is it important in your school?

“Having an ambassador is helpful and important as they help stop friends from falling out and talking really helps people”

“When you see someone upset we as ambassadors want to ask what’s wrong and we want to help them feel better

“Somebody there to help others and support them”

“It is important to talk about your mental health because if you don’t talk you would get ill”

What have you learnt through being a MindMate ambassador?

“I have learnt many new skills that I can take to high school I’m a very good listener now”

“Some people don’t care about other people’s feelings and so as an ambassador I have learnt how to help others better”

“I have learnt how to relax more and look after myself”

“It’s fun being an ambassador as you get to spread awareness and mindfulness”


The children practice ‘mindfulness’ in the school regularly. We asked them what they like about this

“… it calms your mind and it helps you concentrate on now” 

“…it helps you relax through stressful times”

“it makes me relax and really calm”

“I made an origami heart and I kept feeling it – it was soft. I couldn’t sleep, I felt nervous about coming today so it helped

Harehills Primary MindMate Ambassadors are…

Fatima, Valarie, Hong Li, Hashim, Hope, Asad and Amira.

You can find out more about mindfulness on the MindMate website.

To find out how to help promote MindMate in your school email us

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  1. Loved meeting the mini mindmate ambassadors. They have such a bright future and have so much potential. Good luck to theit transition from primary school in to high school.

  2. So proud of our MindMate Ambassadors – both mini and the older crew! It was lovely to meet and work with you all. Together we can change so much! Well done all x

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