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I’d rather be single than miserable in a relationship.

by Sharon – 28th Mar 2018

Sometimes as a young person we find ourselves stuck in relationships which are not working or meant to be. We may find ourselves getting anxiety and depression from boyfriend/ girlfriend. Ask yourself, is it worth the risks? Being with someone that you do not feel secure around?

After a discussion session between me and a few friends on love, relationships, abuse most with we the youth I came to the realisation that in the society we have convinced ourselves that getting abused, depressed or anxious in a relationship only occurs with married people, but that is where we are wrong. The young ones are the most vulnerable. We go with the notion of ‘Being in Love’ doing things to please who ever we are in a relationship with. Getting mistreated, harassed, abused and all others you could think of . I remember when I said to myself I have the right to create the love life I desire. The right to allow and unallow particular kinds of people in my life.

Loneliness is something most of us don’t like.

I believe most times we wonder when we would meet the right people . But what we should remind ourself is when the right moment arrives it would be just what we desire. Besides we are still young so the best things come to those that wait. No matter what you have been through in a relationship it’s for a reason. Why stress over your relationship?

Stress, worry, sadness etc are not the meaning of relationship or love. Love is putting them first. Our emotional well-being should be our priority.

Don’t go for love when it affects your physical and emotional well-being. It isn’t worth the risk.

Why be miserable in a relationship ? When being single is a better option.

Art work credit Destined Designz

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  1. Yes, true said. Create the love your desire and it shall come to pass.

    Love don’t hurt or abuse. Love respect and appreciate each other.

    First, learn to love yourself and appreciate the JOY that comes with love.

  2. Absolutely wonderful Sharon, I completely agree. Many people associate being single but with being lonely, but that’s not true – you can be perfectly happy being single! Not everyone even wants a partner. It’s also great if you can be happy with your own company.

  3. This is so insightful and so true!! I agree that it’s really important that we talk about this, and know what we deserve in a relationship or out of one. If something is detracting from your life, rather than adding in a positive way… then it simply isn’t worth your energy. Brilliant blog 🙂

  4. Something so crucial to let young people know these days. Letting people know theres always an out is important

  5. well said. I completely agree with you and I think I will follow your trend. I have the right and power to create the love life I desire

  6. This is such a good little article – absolutely spot on! It’s hard not being in a relationship sometimes, but it always better to be happy alone than unhappy with someone.

  7. Thank you. All our writers are young people in Leeds who volunteer to write for us.

  8. This is a topic which is near to my heart… Take care!
    Where are your contact details though?

  9. Hi Tania. We don’t give out contact details of bloggers but if you would like to contact MindMate use
    You might also to write a blog for us on this topic?

  10. Better to be single than being stuck in toxic relationship. Just be patient with yourself and the right one will come no matter how long it takes. I repeat, better to be single than to be in a toxic relationship.

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